Q: Who can apply for a CSRO award?
A: Anyone affiliated with QI, the UC San Diego division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), and who is eligible to serve as an independent Principal Investigator (PI) for an extramural award, can apply for support under the CSRO program. These include most faculty and research scientist appointments, plus some other classifications. The eligibility requirement will be strictly enforced. Interested investigators who are unsure about their eligibility for CSRO support should contact Nancy Lee, QI’s business office manager, for assistance in determining their PI status.
Q: How do I know if I am affiliated with QI?
A: Please consult the People/Academic Participants section of the Calit2 website. If your name is not listed among affiliated faculty and researchers, download, fill in and submit an Investigator Agreement here with your CV through this website.
Q: Are proposed projects required to be multi-disciplinary?
A: No. However, interdisciplinary projects—projects spanning different technical areas and/or engaging researchers drawn from different departments or schools—will receive preference.
Q: Can an existing CSRO project be renewed?
A: No. There is no renewal process for projects. Any proposed research must be new projects not previously funded by CSRO.
Q: Can CSRO funding support summer salaries of PI/Co-PIs?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there any matching requirements for CSRO efforts?
A: No. For the 2014 round of CSROs, there is no requirement for matching funds when applying for a grant.
Q: How are CSRO awards made and administered?
A: Awards are made for specific amounts, and they must be administered by the QI business office. However, when necessary, funds may be transferred to an outside administering unit (e.g., a school or division).
Q: What is the maximum dollar amount of funding available to a CSRO PI?
A. A PI may request CSRO support no higher than $50,000 for the 12-month period, which can be allocated in the form of cash, in-kind QI support, or a CSRO Fellowship for graduate student researchers.
Q: What are the reporting requirements for projects that are selected?
A: A final project report will be solicited at the end of the program. Failure to deliver a final project report could jeopardize the PI’s ability to win future CSRO grants.